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rough rice 稻谷。

rough rider

It is mianly equipped with rice hulling machine for milling unpolished rice into polished rice and milling polished rice from rough rice by one time and is widely suitable for rice mills in urban and rural areas 主要與礱谷機配套、將糙米碾成白米,也可將稻谷一次碾成白米,廣泛適用于城市、農村的大米加工廠。

This evidence suggests that by following the government recommendations a minimum yield target of 9 t / ha rough rice is possible 事實表明,只要按政府推薦的管理措施進行種植,可以達到9噸/公頃的產量目標。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 現在交易者們可以在電腦上買賣玉米,小麥,大豆,大豆油,大豆粉,和糙米的期貨了。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 現在,交易者們可通過計算機進行玉米、小麥、大豆、豆油、豆制品和糙米的期貨交易。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 此后玉米,小麥,大豆,大豆油,大豆面甚至稻谷的期貨交易都可通過電腦來實現了。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 此后玉米,小麥,大豆,大豆油,大豆面甚至稻谷的交易都可通過電腦來實現了。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 現在可以通過計算機來進行玉米,小麥,豆類,豆油,豆粉和稻谷的期貨交易。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 如今貿易商將可以使用計算機交易玉米,小麥,大豆,大豆油,大豆粉,大米。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 現在商人能通過電腦做各種期貨,如玉米、小麥、大豆、豆油、黃豆粉和大米

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 如今商家可以通過電腦進行玉米,小麥,大豆,豆油,豆粉和稻谷的期貨交易

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 現在,交易者將能用電腦交易谷物,小麥,黃豆,豆油,粗糧的期貨。

Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn , wheat , soybeans , soybean oil , soybean meal and rough rice by computer 現在貿易者能用電腦買賣棉花,小麥,大豆,豆油,豆粉,粗米等期貨

Prospect of rough rice low - temperature vacuum drying development 稻谷低溫真空干燥的發展前景